Waiting list update

Waiting list update

We are now sending out letters to patients who were referred in May 2022

Appointment information

What to expect from your appointment

  1. Trophy icon Top of the waiting list

    When your name gets to the top of the waiting list, we will write to you with an opt-in letter or offer you an appointment containing the necessary details to enable you to book in for your first appointment.

  2. Tick icon Accept an appointment

    When you have accepted an appointment at our centre, you will be sent detailed information including what to bring with you if you are attending a face to face appointment or sent by email if the appointment is by video consultation.

  3. Clock icon Wait for follow up letter

    Once you have been seen in our service, please wait for your follow up letter. Your second appointment will be some months later (see our waiting list times). Bring copies of any blood results to your next appointment.

Find out more about your appointment

Patient updates and service announcements

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Appointment Cancellations

Due to clinical staff sickness we have been forced to cancel a number of appointments this week (22nd - 26th July). We are very sorry about this and want to reassure patients that any cancelled appoi...

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New ways to contact you

We are starting to roll-out out new communications method at the clinic. This means clinicians and the admin team can now contact you via email. This will make contacting you about your appointments, ...

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Open Day - 10th July

Following on from our first ever Open day, we are happy announce that we now have a date for the second one! The doors of the clinic will be open only to those who are currently on the waiting list a...