To help us to help you as quickly and efficiently as we can, please have a look at the contact options below to find the best way to get in touch with us.
The phoneline can often be busy, so leave a message and you will get a response normally within 48 hours.
Please include your name, date of birth and NHS number within your email so we can process it.
Enquires for the young people's service, please email -NYGSadmin@nottshc.nhs.uk
Our building is somewhat exccentric and there are some areas of the building which are fully accessable and some which are not There is an accessible entrance in Heathcoate Street. If you have access needs then you can ring ahead and we can make sure your appointment takes place in the accessable part of the clinic.
Email: ClinicalNCTH@nottshc.nhs.uk
Email: ReferralsNCTH@nottshc.nhs.uk
We will contact you in various ways - by letter, by phone, or by email. You contact details are drawn from the same system your GP uses and we are unable to update this, so please make sure your details are up-to-date with your GP, otherwise our attempts to contact may fail.
There may be times when you are not happy about the service and need to let us know. If this is the case then you can tell us by email and it will be dealt with by our Business Support or Service Manager, alternatively you can write to the Trust formally by:
Email: PALSandComplaints@nottshc.nhs.uk
Write to:
PALS and Complaints
Highbury Hospital
Highbury Road
There is more information on the Trust’s website about this PALS and Complaints (nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk).
As a national service we receive a lot of FOI requests and we are working to provide some of the most regular information request on our website, which we will update on a monthly basis once our new patient record system reports are flowing. This information can be found here.
The production of FOI information does require a number of different departments in the Trust to work together and do take time by the service as well. Quite a few of the FOI’s ask for the same information each time, so please do check this link as you may find the information you are looking for has recently been provided here Freedom of Information disclosure log (nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk). If you cannot find the information on our website or our Trust’s FOI reports then a request can be made via Make a freedom of information request (nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk).
Please click here and fill in the quote request form.
Contact us through our SignVideo BSL on-demand interpretation service.
Please click here to give feedback or highlight mistakes on the website.