If you are looking for how to change your address or name with the clinic, then please contact your GP with these details. We share the same system and so the details will be automatically updated on ours. In the clinic, we are unable to update your address so we can only use the details which are registered with your GP. Please also note that it can take four weeks for the GP to change their system after you have notified them so please allow time for the changes to be made if you know you are due contact from us.
The document you use to change your name is called a deed poll. This is simply a piece of paper saying what your old name is and what you now intend to call yourself. There are two types of deed poll, an unenrolled one and an enrolled one.
The unenrolled one will be all you need to change your name in the vast majority of places. This is totally free and can be done yourself if you are over 16. All you need is the correct wording and two witness signatures. Most people print it out themselves, often on durable paper as this document has to last!
Use the following wording in your deed poll:
“I [old name] of [your address] have given up my name [old name] and have adopted for all purposes the name [new name]. “Signed as a deed on [date] as [old name] and [new name] in the presence of [witness 1 name] of [witness 1 address], and [witness 2 name] of [witness 2 address]. “[your new signature], [your old signature]" “[witness 1 signature], [witness 2 signature]” |
The signatures do not need to be that of a solicitor or anybody from a particular profession. They need to be over the age of 18, not a family member or your partner/s . So for example a workmate, neighbour or friend would be an ideal person to sign as a witness.
If you want your name to be on public record, you can use the enrolled version. This costs around £43 and you can only do this if you are over 18. One of the advantages of an enrolled deed poll is that you don’t have to worry about losing or damaging your deed poll as it is on public record so it is kept safe by the Royal Courts of Justice.
In terms of who will accept an enrolled deed poll, there is little or no advantage. You can use an unenrolled one with pretty much all organisations, including the passport office, DVLA and other organisations such as your bank. It is also a much slower process and involves a solicitor. You personal details will also be made public, including your home address, so there are also privacy issues.
There are a few companies on the internet who offer a deed poll service for a small fee. While there is no problem in paying one through one of these companies, do bear in mind that they offer no advantage over doing it yourself.
You can apply for a GRC if you are:
Surgery and treatment are not required to make an application, but a diagnosis is.
The documents you will need are:
The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health is not commissioned to produce GRC reports and if you have all the necessary letters and information, these are not needed for the process. We appreciate that some of your documentation may have been from a while ago and you might not have access to it now. If this is the case please email the clinic, pop GRC Documentation in the subject and list what you need. We can then send this to you. If you have lost these, you can contact us and ask for copies. It is always best to save all letters from us so you have these to hand when carrying out the GRC process.
Send one of the following when you apply for a passport:
If you’re sending a letter from your doctor or medical consultant and you’re changing your name, you’ll also need to supply both of the following:
If you need a Passport Letter to be completed by us, then please let us know at your next appointment. If, however, you need it sooner then please email the clinic putting 'Passport letter request' in the subject line.
We will then do our best to arrange for this to be done, mindful that our clinicians are busy every day seeing patients.