Some trans masculine people decide that they want to have surgery to permanently alter their anatomy, however not all people choose to have surgery. All referrals are done via the gender identity clinic and the surgery and immediate follow-up care is handled by the Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service (GDNRSS). Patients may be referred to the district nurse or GP if they require wound care in the days following the operation. Patients will remain under the care of the GDNRSS for a year, after which time any ongoing care will be discharged back to the GP.
Top surgery is the surgical removal of the breasts and the construction of a more masculine chest. There are several different surgical techniques depending on various factors.
The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health can make recommendations for surgery for those who are suited to this operation.
A phalloplasty is the surgical creation of an artificial penis, scrotal sac and testes. It involves taking skin from a donor site to create the penis. An insert is then used in order to make the penis erect when desired.
The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health can make recommendations for surgery for those who are suited to this operation.
A metoidioplasty is a non-reversable surgical creation of a mini phallus which uses existing genital tissue to create a small penis. While the phallus created is very small, patients can also have a urethral lengthening which enables them to urinate standing up.
The Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health can make recommendations for surgery for those who are suited to this surgery.
Hysterectomy is an operation which removes the uterus and can be with or without removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries (salpingo-oophroectomy). Hysterectomy operations are not handled by GDNRSS and are arranged with your local healthcare trust. You clinician will be able to advise on this. We also now have a comprehensive leaflet available all about hysterectomies so ask your clinician for a copy in your appointment.