The Centre has recently upgraded the computer system that we use to make patient appointments and send out patient letters. We are still seeing as many patients as we always have and are sending out letters and appointments every day. We had to change our processes slightly while we moved from one system to another and this means that at the moment, the letter that you receive following an appointment will not contain the date of the next one. Instead, this will be sent out in a separate letter or email, it has no effect on the length of time that you will be waiting to be seen and is a temporary measure.
There is an exceptional demand for appointments in our service. This is due to a large and increasing number of referrals, continuing care of our existing patients, including those that cannot yet be discharged as they are awaiting surgery and the increase number of first appointments for patients on the waiting list.
Unfortunately as a result, the waiting time between first and second appointments, which is usually between 12 to 16 weeks has increased and we are booking 2nd appointments for people seen in August 2022. We will continue to try to reduce this time and it is extremely important that if people cannot attend their appointment that they lets us know 48 hours before so that we can try to give that appointment to someone else.
We apologise to everyone waiting for a second appointment and appreciate how challenging this can be, we are doing all we can to see people as soon as possible. If you do need support during this time, please contact your GP or local service open to you and of course there is the Telephone Support Line (see Support Groups section).
We receive a large volume of enquiries to the service, via phone and email, regarding the current waiting times.
We request that people please do not contact us to enquire when your first appointment will be, as we are not able to offer any more details than those set out here.